Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Six Function of Dresses

Environmental Protection

This kind of dress not only a desert traditional dress, but also protect the person from the sand and wind. The long scarf on the head also help keeping the moisture within the body so that the person less likely to dehydrate.


These people leave in northern part of Thailand. They have their own culture including dresses. The dresses they wear have a lot of function and accessories. The accessories implement the meaning of decoration.

Gender differentiation

This is the obviously gender differentiation. This picture shows that boys and girls were divided by the cloth those kids are wearing. Boys were wearing pants and girls with skirts.

Group membership

This picture came from the series "Gossip Girl". In the series has mentioned a lot about being in a group and being accepted by the group. Dress also one of the consideration factor.


This picture is a Thai traditional called "Elephant war". This traditional represent ancient time's war. But now a day this event only for important ceremony. The way these people dress also for the ceremony only.

Sexual Enhancement

This picture came from D&G runway. This brand represent good style jeans and jeans is one of the most important component in men's wear. I choose this picture because the jeans that this guys is wearing has made him become more masculine.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


These 2 pictures are some example of prehistorical ear.

The first one is the skirt that made from natural fabric. As in the picture, it is some kind of tree or plants interlacing together and shape out like a skirt.

The second picture is the prehistorical sandal. It was native american style. The source of the picture also mentioned that who ever wore this sandal is considered as sexy women.


These garments are from the 1500s. The were children knit wear but the source doesn't mention what it made of but they could be clearly identified that they made of natural fabric.

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mspanos.com/maryspanos/images/GranddaughtersSkirt.jpg&imgrefurl=http:// www.mspanos.com/maryspanos/MSUSAMuseum.shtml&usg=__v1FrmQMEBeO2uPvxBd2i5LvcTgY=& h=300&w=247&sz=68&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=V76tXIc1rvTSIM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=96&prev=/image s%3Fq%3Dprehistoric%2Bgarments%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1

This is the Frenchman's costume. The blouse was made from linen and the breeches were made from wool. These two fabric were primarily used since the Middle Age time.


This picture is the present suit. It made of leather but it is synthetic leather. It has shown that in every era of time, human are always counted on nature. We use natural fabrics, plants or animal skin. But once we overused, the limited sources will be gone. This synthetic jacket is one of the replacement fabrics.

This is the future garment. The fabric has not yet identified. But the idea after this picture is that the preservation of natural fabric or else human will have to wear soup can.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pink Electronic Device

www.reghardware.co.uk/ 2008/01/22/pink_ipod_nano
www.wirelessandmobilenews.com/ 2009/01
pinkismymiddlename.blogspot.com/ 2007/12/pink-

Fashion Source Book is the place where I post the pictures, articles and other fashion materials. Here will also be the place to share the idea among fashion lovers through posts and comments.
I will update the interesting topic every week. Everyone are welcome to look and comments.

For the first week, I post several electronic device pictures such as laptop, ipod and mobile phone which all created in pink.
During last century, electronics appliances are created for useful aspect only. But now a day, the color has been added to those gadget and become more and more popular among users.
In 20th century, we can say that coloring the electronics is now a trend. The consumers consider color before they buy.
For me, this is the real 20th fashion era where trends meet electronic equipments.